
At Montco, we have been educating the community online for over 20 years. 超过 10,000 students take online courses at Montco every year; this ranks us in the top 全州十个在线大学.

蓝色圆圈图标与白色笔记本电脑 我们 在线排名前十 课程交付*
紫色图标的人教一个班 平均14人的班级规模意味着更多 个性化的关注 来自专门的教师
Orange icon with white arrows circling a graduation cap 与众多 转移的机会 去探索,你可以 无缝地传输 从蒙科到我们的四年制合作学校




    • 所有课程活动均在线完成
    • You must log in to attend class remotely at a specific meeting time
    • Faculty are present on-camera during the scheduled class times
    • 对校内活动没有要求
    • 一旦有机会,请参考教学大纲了解详情*
  • 所有课程活动均在线完成, without specific meeting times
  • You 可能需要 to participate in virtual faculty conferences or group work
  • 详情请参阅教学大纲
  • 对校内活动没有要求
  • 一旦可以,请参考教学大纲了解细节
  • 课程活动包括:
    • During required on-campus sessions on designated days/times and
    • Online (either asynchronously or synchronously) according to a posted schedule
  • Faculty are physically located in the on-campus classroom during on-campus sessions
  • 一旦可以,请参考教学大纲了解细节
Teal icon of a two arrows in a circle around a person
  • Course activities take place during on-campus sessions during designated days/times with the option to attend on campus or synchronously online.
  • Faculty are physically located in the on-campus classroom during on-campus sessions.
  • 一旦可以,请参考教学大纲了解细节

Course syllabi will be available to students at different times. 请检查 the syllabus closer to the start date for each course.




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Instead of traditional classroom sessions held on-campus, online learners work independently 在家使用电脑和技术. 教师提供指导和指导 through a variety of tools available in Canvas, our learning management system (LMS): online discussions, video lectures, quizzes, and assignments. 在线课程 equivalent requirements and outcomes as traditional classroom-based courses.

Most classes will be on Canvas, though additional resources may be used based on the 导师的自由裁量权.


You do not need to make any physical visits to campus UNLESS:

  1. Your instructor requires a “proctored” test or exam. 你将由你的指导老师指导.
  2. 你们班是一个 混合动力, which requires both in-class seat time as well as completing assignments online. 你将由你的指导老师指导.

What is the difference between synchronous and asynchronous online courses?

同步 online classes are those that involve required, set meeting times. 指导和 讲座在固定时间实时(现场)进行. 你一定在网上 参与时间.

异步 online courses are the opposite of synchronous online courses. 教师提供 materials, lectures, tests, and assignments that can be accessed at any time. 通常 you are given a timeframe—usually a one-week window—during which you will need to 登录学习管理系统(例如.g.(画布)来完成课程作业.

What computer skills do I need to take an online course?

Basic computer skills are required for online classes. 这些技能包括发送 and receiving email, word processing, cutting and pasting within documents, toggling 在应用程序和使用电子邮件附件之间. 在专业课上,其他技能 可能需要.


在线课程在上午12:01开放.m. 在学期的第一天. 有时是指导员 will make a course available before the start date of classes, but they are not required 这样做. Once the course opens, be sure to log into Canvas and familiarize yourself with the course as well as the assignment schedule to ensure you do not fall behind.

查看 校历 和重要的 日期和截止日期.


Yes, online courses are delivered in various lengths (e.g.(15周或7周) and begin on the start date according to each session. 你会有截止日期和 due dates that you will need to meet as the semester progresses in all types of classes, 无论是同步的、异步的还是混合的.


You should receive an email from your instructor before or on the first day of class. Other methods of contact and feedback include phone calls, discussion boards, email 作业中的笔记.

如何为远程类访问Canvas? 你们有辅导课吗?

参考 Canvas学生资源 page for information on the Canvas app and tutorials.

What are the computer requirements for the online course?

Please review the computer requirements and supported browsers before class begins 确保你为上课做好准备.

需要电脑或技术协助? 填写表格.

  • PC (Windows 7/8/10)或Mac (iOS 10).6+) – We do not recommended using iPads, Chromebooks & 表面等.
  • 高速互联网连接
  • adobeacrobatreader查看和打印pdf文件
  • 大多数课程都需要麦克风和网络摄像头
  • Office 365 – provided for free to all Montco students
  • Web浏览器:
    • 推荐使用Firefox
    • Chrome与大多数功能兼容
    • 支持Internet Explorer 11+
    • 支持Microsoft Edge
    • 支持Safari 6+

How much time do I need to set aside each week to work on my online classes?

The amount of time you should expect to spend on each of your online classes can be found below based on the number of weeks of your class. 下面的数字假设为a 3学分课. Please note that actual amount of time varies from student to student.
  • 15周-每周10小时
  • 10周- 13小时/周
  • 7周-每周18小时
  • 6周-每周21小时

Will my online courses transfer to other institutions?

The College has agreements with scores of public and private schools in the state, 提供多方面的 转移的机会 making it easier for you to navigate the transfer process quickly and easily.

What do I do if I need 辅导 in any of my courses?

Whether you're looking for assistance in organizing notes, writing a paper or taking 一个测试,我们的导师可以帮助你. 我们免费提供 辅导 服务以及24/7在线支持! 我们的导师与你一起制定策略 基于你独特的学习偏好.


蒙哥马利县社区学院 is committed to the success of all students and ensures equal access to its educational programs, services, and activities to our students with disabilities, whether online or on-campus. 在你申请入学之后, 请联系 残疾人服务 and arrange a consultation to discuss how we can best accommodate you.




Check out our student resources to support you in everything from financial assistance 科技需要免费的24/7在线辅导.



 准备注册? 在校生可以注册 自助服务.


*According to IPEDS data, Montco is in the top 10 public 2-year and public/private 4-year degree granting institutions in Pennsylvania in terms of number of students 参加在线课程.